During this moment in time, it has been a blessing and honour to worth under the guidance of Farah. The mentorship helped me refine and tune in deeper into my intuition, move through ancestral blocks + strengths, as well sparked an idea around potent sisterhood in the realms of nature, finance and tuning into body. It was a powerful summer. Farah brings depth, with sparks of fun and lots of love, holding a space that is kind, respectful and safe. Be ready to put in the work! In deep gratitude to you, Farah.

Aman Kaur participated in 6 Month Mentorship September 2023

My time with Farah was some of the most influential, spiritual and intense self love and acceptance in my life. I was able to break free from Karma that has held on for decades. I am ready to walk into my new timeline, and Farah has been right there by my side. The breakthroughs I have had during my time with her in mentorship, but also through Reiki I, II and Master level training are some of the most important gifts I have ever received. Farah is a rare light in this world, and I would suggest anyone who wants to journey deep into their soul to work with her.

Erin Abernathy participated in the 6 Month Mentorship + Reiki All Levels April - September 2023

I decided to work with Farah right after my 33rd Birthday. Sadhguru had mentioned how your 33rd year is a catalyst year, if you've been preparing for it and I felt that working with Farah would definitiely spark that. I had spent the last 6 months following my curiosities and learning all that interested me. I felt that this expansive vision was trying to be birthed through me, but I had one huge fear that I couldn’t see my way through - I was worried that I’d turn out to be my dad. He happened to be the only person that I actually knew that was living his vision and pretty successfully bringing it to life. However, he’s made some decisions over the course of his life that have impacted our relationship over the years and I was 100% ready to cut all ties with him. After I worked with Farah for 7 weeks, I’ve never thought about that fear again and my dad and I have the beginnings of a better relationship. She saw exactly where I was at, what had been processed and kept prodding me to go deeper. Even when I thought I made huge strides and had come to a completion, she saw that was still more to clear out. I came to Farah because I knew I had to bring this vision into life and needed help with the one big thing that I knew was in my way. After our time together, the block was cleared, I felt so much more capable of bringing my vision into life and I gained a little Mother Teresa dose of compassion. It felt like the slate had been cleared and a whole new beginning.

Rebecca Nguyen participated in 7 Week Mentorship - May 2023

Over the course of our Reiki class, I felt a drastic shift in my outlook on life, my approach to healing, and how I relate (to others as well myself). It seemed as though by the end of every session, I felt a little bit lighter--like the old thoughts and beliefs were being shed and a new layer of myself was being revealed. I cannot thank Farah enough for not only passing on the wisdom of Reiki to us, but for also providing a safe space where we could feel seen and be heard. Coming to class felt like being in a sanctuary, which is a space that I have found hard to create over the last few years. I am so grateful for our time together and would 100% recommend Farah to anyone seeking to understand themselves and others on a much deeper level.

Karina Contreras participated in Reiki Levels I and II - May 2023

Our time together was transformative, to say the least. I felt held, seen and supported as I moved through one of the most intense energetic seasons of my life. I am deeply grateful for your approach--how you hold, but not too tightly. You gave me the freedom and permission to explore parts of myself and my power that until then, I had not had access to. Thank you for carrying and sharing the wisdom you do.

Susannah Rose Stokes participated in the Transformation 12 Week Mentorship - March 2023

My time with Farah was transformative, she helped me integrate a lot of spiritual growth and healing during a very volatile period for me during my mentorship with her. She has opened my eyes up to a world which I knew little about and remains a very important guide and teacher on my journey. Farah taught me the magic of Reiki with deep meaning and clarity, which opened me up to powerful spiritual experiences.

Sami Al Ansari participated in the Transformation 12 Week Mentorship & Reiki Levels I, II + III Sept 2020 - March 2023

Over the course of our Reiki class, I felt a drastic shift in my outlook on life, my approach to healing, and how I relate (to others as well myself). It seemed as though by the end of every session, I felt a little bit lighter--like the old thoughts and beliefs were being shed and a new layer of myself was being revealed. I cannot thank Farah enough for not only passing on the wisdom of Reiki to us, but for also providing a safe space where we could feel seen and be heard. Coming to class felt like being in a sanctuary, which is a space that I have found hard to create over the last few years. I am so grateful for our time together and would 100% recommend Farah to anyone seeking to understand themselves and others on a much deeper level.

Karina Contreras participated in Reiki Levels I and II - April + May 2023

Becoming a Reiki Master under Farah's guidance was informative, magical, and most importantly, fun. Going through these portals with someone who understands spirit and energy as Farah does it all one can ask for. Grateful for her on this journey.

Kimberly Lisi participated in Reiki Level III Master - March 2023

My time with Farah was transformative, she is a master alchemist, who truly challenged me to step into my new timeline with confidence and grace. I am still feeling the ripple effects of her healing today.

Connie Gallagher participated in the Transformation 7 Week Mentorship - March 2023

Fully transformative. Farah guided me through intense inner work giving me wisdom, a sounding board, and encouragement. Farah held space for me and kept me accountable to walk through my biggest fears. My time with Farah was sacred. She created a container for me to face myself, and become fully responsible for my inner and outer worlds. Her ability to see me allowed for me to fully see myself. I cannot recommend her highly enough.

Meikel Reece participated in the Transformation 12 Week Mentorship - December 2022

Honestly, Farah was able to really get to the root of my imbalance intuitively. I went into my mentorship with Farah with a certain set of goals and came out of it with tools and healing I didn't even know I needed. I would so do it again and again! I even signed up to learn Reiki with her because she knows her stuff, speaks real truth and shows that you can trust her guidance and support. Working with Farah was definitely worth the investment. She is a wonderful human being, mentor and healer.

Krystal Cintron participated in the Transformation 6 Week Mentorship - October 2022

Farah held my hand when I was going through my darkness and showed me how to come back to myself with grace. I have since been able to understand my energy better and work with that energy to get my power back in life.

Sadie Aliza participated in the Transformation 5 Week Mentorship - October 2022

I was browsing through Instagram one day and came across an image from Farah page, kept scrolling nothing new. However, it was as if her page kept popping up. A little more time on my part to actually check the page out and I was immediately PULLED in to her energy, her images and how fluid it all was. It felt like a comfortable place to exchange energy. It was not long at all that I looked into what she offered. The moment I read her website I sent my request for a call. I had such horrible technical glitches (which never happen) and we did our first call BLIND, on my cell phone at work. BUT I knew I had to talk with her. The moment we connected (although only hearing each others voices) I COMMITTED to her 1:1 mentorship. Each call was effortless, inviting, warm, loving and magical. Our energy was as if we knew each other our entire lives. I never had one second of an awkward moment and the alchemy that was achieved PRICELESS. I was carrying a great deal of mother wounds and had NO clue that I was. I left our time together a completely RENEWED/HEALED/ALIGNED soul. It was an incredible time and experience and my life is forever changed because of it.

It was a perfect blend of healing alchemy. I started not realizing how much mother wound I was carrying. Each session the conversation was effortless and had such a beautiful energetic flow.

Mary Cason participated in the Transformation 6 Week Mentorship - August 2022

Like any great teacher, Farah holds space and guides you to tap into the healing that lies within, that your divine self already knows how to do but perhaps needs a helpful hand to walk with you and remind you the ways. To empower you. To help you remember that you are capable of transforming and transmuting the energies of the past that have held you back. Her unique healing approach helps you get there and reminds you of the power within to transform again and again. I had followed Farah’s Instagram for at least a year maybe two. Her posts I frequently reshare as I so deeply resonate with the words and energy they carry. What a delight to see that she had an opening for 1:1 mentorship. It couldn’t have come at a better time which served as confirmation that it was divine time. During our first discovery call, I told Farah, “I’m ready to burn it all to the ground.” The next step of my healing journey was ready for a big transformation. A big cleanse. In comes Farah. If you are ready to shed the old, to transmute the energies that have kept you stuck or stagnant, Farah is your helpful guide. If you are ready to step into a place of true empowerment and live each day from a place of authenticity, Farah will help take you there.

Jennyfer Lindsey participated in the Transformation 6 Week Mentorship - July 2022

Farah's healing energy has helped me worked through many deep issues in my life. In the past two years I participated in her powerful astrological workshops, one on one healing sessions and finished Reiki Level 1&2 classes. Her deep knowledge, big heart and intuitive guidance has helped me melt many energetically blocks inside me. Moreover, Farah's infinite knowledge and dedication to spirituality and changing the world has influenced my own transformation. I feel free, happy and excited about my future that I am empowered to create. And if I come across blocks on my journey I now know have deeper understanding and tools to solve them!!

Ewa Mularczyk Reiki Student + Muse Program Participant - August 2022

My time with Farah was completely transformative and healing. I went into my first session with the belief that the healing her other clients experienced couldn't happen to me, but within our first two sessions I began to experience profound shifts. By the sixth session, I have become lighter, happier, and more free than I have ever have before. Her insights led to breakthroughs in blocks that had kept me living in the same unhealthy dynamics year after year. For the first time in my life, I am able to actually live my life, instead of just getting through it. I am so grateful for my time with Farah. She is a gifted healer, and the way she works with energy is unlike anything I've ever experienced. Working with her was the best decision I have ever made on my personal healing journey!

Ashley Menante who participated in the Transformation 6 Week Mentorship - August of 2022

"You must leave the village to bring back the medicine." This quote I heard from one of my first workshops with Farah, I remember always. I share this quote with anyone who listens. I left everyone and everything I knew in California to move to Kaua'i, not knowing why. I just needed to. The medicine being my story, truth, and how I wish to serve humanity and Earth. During my time in Kaua'i, I started my sessions with Farah and the space she held for me was phenomenal. She guided me in dissolving old narratives and transforming myself becoming reborn in the flames of ego deaths and shedding of what no was in alignment for myself and the new path I walked. I felt she was leading and holding space for me, when actually we co-created a safe space for me to tap into my gifts that I had buried and hidden. She held me accountable for my evolution through humor, playfulness, and personal truths out of pure love in watching me take flight. Encouraging me to share my story and voice through social media, felt like agony, but deep down I know this was the push I needed to grow beyond my comfort zone. Starting my sessions with Farah, I wanted community and to be in right relationship with the land and over time I connected to and anchored in a beautiful community in Kaua'i. Later, I became pregnant and created community from within. Now, I am doing exactly what I shared with her before. I honor my ancestors by healing people with ritual through prayer, mantra, and food from my homeland Vietnam. I am so grateful to Farah for seeing my potential, hyping my determination, and nurturing the reclamation of my sovereignty and power. Are you ready to do the work? Do you want to evolve or repeat? We are the new ancestors, ancestors in training-are you ready for this journey? This journey is for your liberation, for the highest good of all beings, and for our planet Earth. If it's a full embodied yes, I wholeheartedly feel Farah is the woman to walk with you on your path.

Stephanie Tran who participated in the Transformation 6 Week Mentorship - April 2022

I’ve been drawn to following Farah on social media for years intuitively knowing that I wanted to work with her. At one point, the stars aligned and Farah offered a program that I knew was right for me. I participated in a 6-session healing and coaching life transformation container. Farah is an excellent energy worker, spiritual teacher, and transformation coach. She helped me breakthrough major fears and doubts and helped me set out on a new course in life and business with confidence. She made me feel seen, loved, and supported. I am forever grateful.

Yevgenia Altman who participated in the Transformation 6 Week Mentorship - April of 2022

A genuinely wholistic spiritual experience that has help provide clarity in so many different parts of my life. Thank you Farah for your time, guidance and support.

Mina Zaki who participated in the Transformation 5 Week Mentorship - April 2022

Sitting with Farah brings up so much energy and emotion, all of which she gently helps you make sense of. It's hard to put into words, really. You just have to experience it for yourself! In our 1:1 sessions, she helped clarify my questions without being so directive that I felt steamrolled, but providing enough guidance that I knew my next steps. I enjoyed her sessions so much that I enlisted her services for a group reiki session and soundbath in order to share her work with our community. She is my go-to practitioner for reiki and energy work. 

Sara Stanizai, LMFT Sessions and Retreat Review - May of 2022

I was first called to Farah through the social media app, Instagram. Her uplifting and positive (and sometimes super funny) messages became refreshing and inspiring in an otherwise isolating and negative point in the world. I had thought about learning Reiki many times in my career, but it finally felt right when I saw Farah offering the beginning courses under her guidance. 2020 was a difficult year for humanity as a whole, and it was after some loss in direction and refocus on personal goals that I finally took the plunge and signed up for Reiki 1 and 2 training, with Farah as my Reiki Master.  With her direction, discipline, and loving care, I learned how to reconnect to parts of myself that had long been lost, and connect to others in a way that I had not experienced and had been searching for. Farah created such a comforting and safe container for us (as students and as people) to let our walls down, to learn, and to receive and heal through the magic of this work, all the while being mostly strangers. To say that my life is forever changed is an understatement, and I am so thankful for the experience. Thank you Farah for being such a radiating bright light. I am excited for my new journey, as it has only just begun. 

Shannon Berry Reiki Levels I and II - January 2022

I had my first session with Farah a couple years ago and was beyond moved in so many different ways. Her presence, her guidance and her wisdom are what allowed me to start a beautiful healing journey. Whether it’s through her sessions, her workshops or her reiki training, Farah brings love and iridescence to every part of her practice. She’s an amazing human being and I’m so honored to have learned through her.

Dani Neff January 2020

I started working with Farah 4 years ago. We went to middle school and high school together and were friends on Facebook. We had not spoken to one another in 15 years. On what was probably the darkest night of my life she reached out to me via messenger and honestly saved my life. I was battling drug addiction, my marriage had fallen apart, I was living with my Mom and considering suicide. She was a light in the blackest darkness and she started showing me a way out. The tools she has given me and my husband (we reconciled) have helped us to heal ourselves and come back together, and to be happy, healthy and not toxic and co-dependent. Her ability to read my birth chart and guide me back to my true path is incredible. She is beyond gifted, she has lifetimes of knowledge and wisdom. Her guidance has also helped my Mom to get on a better path and my entire family thinks of her as something truly out of this world. I now come to her when I have anything major on the horizon and I look to her posts on IG for daily guidance through these strange times. I am eternally grateful for the gift that is Farah Siddiq. 

Kelly M. September 2020